Wertenbroek / Wray

Wertenbroek / Wray

Lo Brutto Stahl is pleased to announce Wertenbroek / Wray, the first edition of the gallery’s duo show series Dialogue, featuring the works of Manon Wertenbroek & Randy Wray. Opening on Saturday, September 2, 2023 (6–9pm). 

The exhibition features new works by both artists, as well as one site-specific work.
Alongside this visual conversation, the exhibition provides insight into both artist’s work through the words of Reilly Davidson and Father Stele Karst.

embraces artistic diversity merging two distinct voices into a visual and conceptual discussion revealing connections, differences, and deep reflections.
This series honors a traditional museum exhibition format: the face-to-face.

is on view until Saturday, September 23, 2023.

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